Private Coaching

Online Learning

Private Coaching is a powerful way to enhance everyday individual performance to achieve optimal outcomes for all. For individuals, Personal Trainers, Elite Athletes, Performance Coaches and sports Teams, Ian O’Dwyer, provides tailored coaching sessions for those striving to reach the next level.

OD’s philosophy has been moulded by thirty years of physical, mental and emotional challenges, questioning the status quo, challenging traditional processes, performing at the top level in sports and searching for ways to help himself and others perform and live better.

Focusing on individual and athlete longevity, OD empowers clients to gain a deeper understanding of their body’s many tissues — how to listen to them and what they require to operate at peak performance levels. He dives deep into body-mind connection, how to improve decision-making and provides strategies and solutions to take you to the next level.

OD provides support, advice, and in-depth guidance throughout all private coaching sessions whether face-to-face or online.

Private Coaching - Feel SOMA