Program Duration – 30 mins
When – Do this daily to reset efficient movement patterns. Once the ankle is feeling strong and stable and you return to exercise or sport, perform the program before and after.
Program Flow – follow the Preparation section, do both sides of the body, then repeat on the side that feels more restricted.
Terminology – We use innovative techniques that may differ in name and locations. Follow the videos and coaching tips for success.
SOE – Roller technique targeting the boney sections. 30 secs max in this region
SME – Roller technique targeting the muscular sections. 60-90 secs in this region
- Wall vs Floor – You have two choices using the rollers, prefer to stand use the WALL. Comfortable laying use the FLOOR.
SFM – Fascial Mobilisers are our way of moving the tissues, we don’t stretch. 45-60 secs each
- Remember to breathe when performing the program, this will ensure tissue adaptation.
- Keep the movements at low speed and low force, nothing should be forced.
- Listen to and follow the videos, until you feel confident to perform by yourself.
Drills – These movements replicate and prepare the tissues for multi-dimensional movements. Stimulating the neural, mechanical, and fluid responses required for optimal performance.
Progress Meter – upon completion of viewing a video, wait a few seconds for the next video to automatically appear. This will then update your progress meter after each viewing. Manually clicking on the next video will disrupt the progress meter.
Suggestion – Complete the entire program 4 – 5 times THEN you may choose to use your favourite components of the program.